Teaching Outdoor Skills in the Last Frontier

10 Benefits of Being an “Outdoorsy” Mom
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10 Benefits of Being an “Outdoorsy” Mom

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Do you classify yourself as an outdoorsy mom? I guess a better question is what classifies one as being an outdoorsy mom. My best guess is that an outdoorsy mom is a mother with a strong passion for the outdoors, outdoor recreation, and immersing herself in nature. I have always enjoyed bearing the title. It is something to wear with pride. Most importantly, it is beneficial to our children as well as ourselves. In this article, I am going to lay out 10 benefits of being an outdoorsy mom.

If you are reading this, then there is a good chance that you are also a mom who loves adventure. The outdoors and adventure go hand in hand, after all. Maybe you are struggling to find the time with kids in tow. With a little creativity and planning, I’ve laid out how to find adventure as a mama who loves the outdoors, even with little ones!

Without further ado, here are the 10 benefits of being an outdoorsy mom.

There is less to be stressed about when outdoors

Think about it. When everyone is outside, there are less dishes to wash, less dirt to sweep, and less toys to pick up. When you aren’t staring at the mountain of laundry calling to you then you don’t have to stress about it as much. Out of sight out of mind. Even if there are plenty of tasks needing completion inside, there is just something about being outdoors that makes you forget about them, at least for a short while.

This is true even as a child. There are less rules and limitations outdoors, and less of a chance of getting into trouble. I remember being a kid who loved being outdoors, partly because I was out of the direct supervision of any grownup. I was in my own world.

In general, the fresh air is a wonderful reminder to take a breath and to stress less.

You will have a higher self esteem

If you love outdoor recreation, then you’ll get me on this one. Most of the activities can be challenging. Hiking with elevation and added weight, snowboarding, cross country skiing, camping overnight in a remote area all pose a challenge. But the feeling of accomplishment when you learn and master these activities is a real confidence booster.

Challenge and reward are cornerstones of confidence. When you attempt something difficult on a regular basis, don’t give up, and complete it, you’ll be in for a surge of confidence. This in turn is also beneficial for our kids. Confident adults usually raise confident kids.

On the note of confidence is the next benefit that naturally occurs when you are an outdoorsy mama.

You’ll have a well rounded set of skills

The activities that bolster your confidence also result in additional skill building. Most outdoorsy people are into things like camping, fishing, hunting, foraging, and many other skillful activities. You’ll inevitably know how to start a fire, find and eat edible plants along your hike, catch and cook your dinner, and navigate through terrain.

These skills aren’t the norm as they once were, however they are very normal for people who love the outdoors. They are very practical and useful, and could potentially save your life. Beyond these, there are so many skills involved in being outdoors like knot tying, balance and coordination, orientation with the world that surrounds you. I could go on with a very long list of skills, but you get the gist of it.

You simply can’t spend all of this time outdoors without learning a thing or two.

You’ll experience the most beautiful sunrises and sunsets

I’ve witnessed beautiful sunrises driving through town, but nothing compared to what I’ve seen at the various campsites I’ve stayed at. Being a lover of the outdoors automatically means that I love to be outside at the most beautiful times of the day. For me, this is sunrise and sunset.

A particular special sunrise was camping with my sister at Huguenot Memorial Park in Jacksonville, Florida. It was a crisp morning and the camp stove just wouldn’t boil our coffee fast enough. Looking at the horizon was the most vibrant orange and red sunrise that I’ve ever seen. I am thankful that my sister is also an outdoorsy mom so that we can share these moments together.

You don’t have to be outdoorsy to see a beautiful sunrise, but it sure does help to love being outside to motivate you to catch that sunrise during sleepy hours of the morning.

The outdoors will get you into the best shape of your life

No matter what your cup of tea, outdoor recreation is usually calorie expending. There are certainly easier activities than others, but just being outdoors in general burns more calories. The change in terrain and uneven ground under your feet work muscle groups that aren’t used when walking on flat ground indoors.

I don’t know if you’ve ever hiked with elevation, but let me tell you it is definitely a work out. It isn’t for everyone. It takes a certain level of fitness to be able to complete expert level hikes. Elevation gain is where it gets you. A 5 mile trail sounds easy until you are halfway through and didn’t expect to climb so much elevation and your legs are wobbly.

Being outdoorsy exposes you to many different outdoor activities that are sure to give you a workout.

Outdoorsy people are happier

It’s no secret that green spaces have a profound impact on our levels of happiness. Those who feel a connection to nature are generally happier overall. There are many studies on the benefit of being in nature for our mental and emotional health. According to this study, just simply being in nature can reduce inflammation by reducing the body’s production of inflammatory cytokines.

Outdoorsy people are less likely to suffer from anxiety and depression. In fact, nature is commonly used as a treatment for depression. Its therapeutic qualities have shown through in research, but people have used nature to soothe themselves since the dawn of time.

I don’t know about you, but I am much happier whenever I am out on a hike or exploring the woods. Overall, being in nature provides a sense of satisfaction in life. A “oneness” with oneself and the world around them.

You’ll have the energy of a toddler (okay, maybe not quite that much)

Being a grown up and having to be responsible all of the time is draining. Taking care of children is draining. If it weren’t for coffee, I don’t know where I’d be. Somehow, I am able to keep up with my toddler. I can’t say that I have her energy levels, but I usually feel pretty good until I crash at night.

If you know me, you’ll know that I am always on the go. There is almost always something on my to do list but I am not going to let it tire me out before the fun begins. The outdoors is naturally energizing. According to some studies, just 20 minutes of fresh air is the equivalent to a cup of coffee.

Maybe it’s the coffee, maybe it’s the time I spend outdoors, or maybe a combination of both, but I am high energy throughout the day. I usually feel fresh and ready to accomplish my next task.

Having this energy to burn throughout the day brings me to the next benefit of being an outdoorsy mom.

You’ll sleep like a baby at night

Do you remember what it felt like to be a kid and spend most of your days outdoors? Running around and riding bicycles all day in the sun, swimming, and just playing fun games was taxing by the end of the day. I can remember crawling in bed, exhausted, and getting the best sleep of my life.

This isn’t some distant memory for me. This is me now. I am not kidding, between playing outside in the sun and/ or cold of Alaska, I am beaten by the end of the day. Most days, I fall asleep with my kids and sleep soundly.

Science shows that camping and spending time in natural light outdoors can boost melatonin production and set you up for an earlier bedtime. The energy exertion from outdoor activities helps on top of the natural rhythms of light.

Speaking of being a kid and playing outside all day, the next benefit will also be beneficial for you children as well.

You’ll spend more quality time with your kids

As an outdoorsy mom, you naturally love to be outside, which is setting a great example for your kids to get outdoors also. Kids mimic what they see, so they will be drawn to the outdoors if their parents are.

This can seem challenging with the rise of screens to compete with. My family has its fair share of screen battles, but me loving the outdoors helps to get my kids outside on the days where sitting inside watching movies would be easier. Because I want to get out there, I am less likely to cave in and more likely to get our butts out the door.

When we are outside, we are playing games together, working on projects, and just spending quality time together. It seems ironic, with so much to explore in nature, that there would be less distractions, but there is. When we are all inside, I am constantly thinking of my next task to complete on the to-do list. This goes back to the less to stress about benefit that I first mentioned.

When we are just spending time together outside, I can tell that it is quality. We are focusing on each other and the activity we are doing together. Some of our best memories together were outside. It is where we go to reset and spend our best hours together.

You’ll be the fun mom

Because we are outside having fun together, this automatically makes me the fun mom right? I guess it depends on the day and which kid you ask. Most of the activities that we do together outdoors, hiking, sledding, camping, playing fun games, and exploring are fun. Instead of being grumpy and boring, I try and do things that my kids will remember for life.

I’ll admit, I’m not a fun mom when we are stuck inside. I am not crafty and I’m certainly not the Pinterest mom that I so longingly wish I was on those days. If we are really stuck inside, I’ll become grumpy and my kids definitely won’t label me as “fun” mom.

But the adventures that we go on make up for all of that. When we are out doing the things that we love together, exploring the world, we are having fun together. These are the moments that I am able to transform into a “fun” mom.

In Conclusion

One day, I hope that my children look back on our time together and see the adventures for what they truly were, fun family bonding experiences. I hope they tell tales of climbing mountains and exploring caves with pride. I know that I do. Being outdoorsy comes with many perks and I’ve just barely skimmed the surface with these 10.

There is so much to see and explore in this life, I couldn’t imagine being any other way. I can’t imagine a life where I don’t enjoy the rays of the sun on my face, or where I don’t wake up to the birdsong in a tent. I don’t dare think of what it would be like to not sincerely enjoy the comfort of the forest as I am flowing through it like a river through the landscape.

These small but unique benefits make being an outdoorsy mom worth every adventure and every minute that we spend outside. I am truly happy to be authentic to myself, a nature lover who loves campfire coffee. What about you? What are some of the other benefits that you can think of to being an outdoorsy mom? Let me know in the comments, and if you like the outdoorsy mama vibe, follow my adventures for more!

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🏔️ Alaskan Outdoor Adventure Guide 🏕️ Camping 🥾 Hiking 🌲Wilderness Skills Outdoor Adventure & Recreation in Interior Alaska
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