About Borealis Mom


Hello! I am Desiree and I’m here to teach you the skills that will enhance your time spent in nature. But before we begin, let me tell you a little about me, and what you will and won’t find on this journey with me.

I have four awesome kids that I am thankfully blessed to stay home with and spend the majority of my time with.

I have an absolute passion for the outdoors. I’ve spent my entire life recreating outdoors and just enjoying the peace that can only be found in the middle of the forest.

Alaska is for outdoor lovers, so you’ll find us spending a good majority of our time outside in all weather conditions.

I am a military and law enforcement veteran. I take the skills that I learned in the line of duty and apply them to the principles and methods that I teach here.

I am a free spirit. If you’re a Type A kind of person, I’ll probably just make you cringe. In fact, I know that I can be downright too much for some people.

I’m an adventurer, constantly seeking novelty and beautiful experiences.

You’ll find me smiling and at my happiest when I can be my wild self out in nature.

My own personal growth has been strongly seeded by the recreational activities that I enjoy outdoors.

It is my hope to be your mentor, guide, and friend as you embark on your own journey to the freedom found in nature and a self reliant lifestyle.

I hope you leave my page with more confidence than you came with in your ability to survive and thrive in the wild.

Our Journey to Alaska

My family and I moved to Fairbanks, Alaska in March of 2021. It had always been our dream. We didn’t have much, but we decided to take the plunge on a surge of adventure.

Sometimes life hands you an opportunity and taking it is like jumping into darkness, not knowing what is on the other side. This is what that move was for us. The other side for us was the light at the end of the tunnel. Alaska was the best decision we ever made.

I am grateful to say that it was such a positive impact for us. Sure, there were also lots of hardships and lessons learned, but they have brought us to where we are today.

We started from scratch when we arrived, and are currently living partially off grid while we plan our future homestead. We’re currently heading out of our third Winter here, and have learned so much about what it means to live here.

We can usually be found exploring the vast wilderness of this beautiful state or relaxing in the coziness of our cabin.

Join us as we plan for our future homestead, explore mountainous landscapes, and delve deeply into nature. There is much to learn along the way and plenty of beautiful adventures.

I hope you will stick around and see all that this wonderful state has to offer!


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Wed Mar 1 , 2023
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