Unconventional Wilderness Survival: 6 Unexpected Uses for Hair Ties
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Unconventional Wilderness Survival: 6 Unexpected Uses for Hair Ties

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Imagine you find yourself lost in the wilderness, with only a few supplies and the unknown stretching out before you. In wilderness survival situations like these, resourcefulness and creativity can be lifesaving. That’s where hair ties come in. Those simple, often overlooked accessories can actually be the key to surviving unexpected scenarios in the great outdoors.

wilderness survival

In this article, I explore 6 unconventional and unexpected uses for hair ties in wilderness survival situations. From securing shelter and gear to improvising first aid solutions and even building tools and weapons, you’ll be amazed at the versatility of this seemingly basic item. By the end of this piece, you’ll have a whole new appreciation for the humble hair tie and the countless ways it can help you thrive in the wilderness.

Setting the foundation for resilience, these unconventional uses of hair ties showcase the versatility and adaptability of this simple accessory. As you explore the different ways hair ties can be utilized for survival, you will discover their potential in creating essential tools and weapons to aid you in unforeseen circumstances.

Other Wilderness Survival Articles:

1. Securing Shelter and Gear for Wilderness Survival

Hair ties can be incredibly useful in securing shelter and gear in a wilderness survival situation. By using hair ties to fasten branches together, you can create a makeshift shelter, providing protection from the elements.

Additionally, you can secure your gear to your backpack or belt using hair ties, ensuring that it stays in place as you navigate through the wilderness. These small, stretchy accessories can make a big difference in keeping you safe and organized while out in the wild.

wilderness survival

2. Creating Makeshift Fishing Hooks

In a wilderness survival situation, one of the most crucial skills is being able to find food. Hair ties can be repurposed as a makeshift fishing line by tying them together and onto a stick. This useful hack uses hair ties as a line to catch fish.

This inventive use of hair ties can help you secure a much-needed source of sustenance while in the wilderness. Additionally, think outside the box and consider fashioning multiple hair tie hooks to increase your chances of a successful catch.

wilderness survival

3. Improvising First Aid Solutions

In times of emergency, hair ties can be used in various inventive ways to address injuries and ailments.

For instance, hair ties can be used as tourniquets to help stop severe bleeding or as makeshift bandage clips to secure dressings in place.

Additionally, they can be repurposed as splint ties to immobilize broken bones or as compression straps for sprains. By thinking creatively and resourcefully, hair ties can serve as valuable tools in providing immediate first aid care in the wilderness.

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4. Building Tools and Weapons for Wilderness Survival

But perhaps the most surprising use for hair ties in wilderness survival scenarios is their ability to create tools and weapons. With just a hair tie and a sturdy stick, you can create a sling for hunting or defense. By attaching a small rock or sharp object to one end of the hair tie and using the other end to hold onto, you can create a simple but effective weapon for spearing or throwing.

Hair ties can also be used to create a bow and arrow. By attaching the hair tie to both ends of a flexible branch, you can create the tension needed to launch arrows at targets. And in terms of tools, hair ties can be used to secure blades onto sticks, creating makeshift axes or knives.

Additionally, hair ties can be used to trap small game by creating a snare out of branches and using the elastic band to act as the noose.

But don’t just take my word for it. Les Stroud, the renowned survival expert, has also praised hair ties as a valuable tool in survival situations. In an interview, he shared that hair ties are “a versatile and often overlooked item in a survival kit.”

5. Navigating with Improvised Compasses for Wilderness Survival

When you find yourself in an unfamiliar wilderness setting, knowing how to navigate can greatly increase your chances of survival. In the absence of a traditional compass, you can create an improvised compass using a simple hair tie and a metal object such as a needle or pin.

Magnetize the metal object with the hair tie and allow it to settle on a leaf floating in water. Then you can determine the direction of north. This makeshift compass can guide you in finding your way back to camp or heading towards civilization.

As you master the art of navigating with improvised compasses, you will boost your confidence in exploring and surviving in the wilderness, ultimately enhancing your chances of making it out safely.

wilderness survival

6. Enhancing Fire-Making Techniques

In the wild, fire is not just a source of warmth and comfort, but also a key element for survival. Hair ties can serve a crucial role in enhancing fire-making techniques. When building a fire, using a hair tie to secure kindling together can help create a more stable base. This allows the fire to catch and spread more easily.

Additionally, tying a hair tie around a flint or magnesium fire starter can provide better grip and control when sparking, increasing the chances of successfully igniting a fire in challenging conditions.

Furthermore, hair ties can be used to fashion a DIY fire bow drill. By attaching a hair tie to the spindle and bow, you can create tension that aids in the friction needed to generate heat and create an ember. This method can be especially useful in wet or damp environments where traditional fire-starting methods may fail. By incorporating hair ties into your fire-making techniques, you can increase your chances of successfully building a fire in various wilderness scenarios.

As you adapt and innovate with different ways to utilize hair ties in fire-making, you can develop a deeper understanding of fire-building principles and increase your confidence in handling fire in the wilderness. Mastering these unconventional uses for hair ties can be the key to not only surviving but thriving in the great outdoors. With these enhanced fire-making techniques, you are better equipped to tackle the challenges of wilderness survival and increase your chances of making it out safely.

wilderness survival


In conclusion, the humble hair tie has proven itself to be a versatile and invaluable tool in the wilderness. From securing shelter to enhancing fire-making techniques, the possibilities are endless. By harnessing the creativity and resourcefulness to utilize hair ties in unexpected ways, you can greatly increase your chances of survival in any wilderness scenario.

Hair ties may not be the most obvious choice for survival tools, but their versatility and usefulness cannot be denied. The next time you’re packing for a wilderness adventure, make sure to include a few hair ties in your kit. You never know when they might just come in handy for building tools and weapons in a pinch. After all, in a survival situation, it’s all about making the most out of what you have.

So don’t overlook the potential of these simple accessories. Incorporate them into your survival kit and be prepared for whatever challenges nature throws your way. Remember, in the wild, the smallest details can make the biggest difference.

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Lifestyle Blogger living in Alaska ✨ Lifestyle ~ Fitness ~ Family ~ Alaska Living ~ Outdoors
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